Crispy Swedish Waffles and Philly Cheesesteaks my way

January 8, 2006
January 2005 038
Crispy Swedish Waffles weren't as good as Gordon's Waffles, but boy were they good!

January 2005 041
Rubio's is really not bad for mall food. Let's get real, am I going to eat at Panda Express?

January 2005 042
Healthy Cheesesteaks. Carmelized onions, lean sirloin beef with worcestershire sauce and a little new york cheddar on a wheat roll. I didn't top Saturday night's Rustic Penne w/ Spicy Sausage & Pomodoro but that was a good quick meal.

January 2005 045
See's dark molasses chips for dessert, a holiday classic for me.

First time I've randomly stumbled upon a blogspot blog that was actually good.

Keep up the documenting of the mundane. Someone's gotta do it.
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