Day 5, Breakfast of Champions and the best $2.91 you can spend
January 5, 2006

This breakfast is starting to look a little too familiar, better than nothing I guess.

The best $2.91 you can spend near MC Campus

Some Marble Coffee Cake from the evil java fortress, pretty tasty though!

This breakfast is starting to look a little too familiar, better than nothing I guess.

The best $2.91 you can spend near MC Campus

Some Marble Coffee Cake from the evil java fortress, pretty tasty though!
Belgian Waffles that I like and Super Soup
January 4, 2006

It sure was nice of Gordon to introduce me to Belgian Waffles his way. Generally I like my waffles flat with syrup and butter (traditional) and I can't stand Belgian waffles, but these were awesome and I'll be begging to try them hot sometime soon.Cuisinart WAF-6 Traditional-Style 6-Slice Waffle Iron, Brushed Stainless Steel

Sticking with the Red Tea

URL's (Yahoo! cafeteria) catered lunch surprise. BBQ-like chicken, taters, beans and a cookie. Not nearly as good as URL's chicken fajita bar.

This isn't the most endearing photo but I really like this soup. It's basically tons of veggies in a tomato broth with pot roast ... mmm Wintery.

It sure was nice of Gordon to introduce me to Belgian Waffles his way. Generally I like my waffles flat with syrup and butter (traditional) and I can't stand Belgian waffles, but these were awesome and I'll be begging to try them hot sometime soon.Cuisinart WAF-6 Traditional-Style 6-Slice Waffle Iron, Brushed Stainless Steel

Sticking with the Red Tea

URL's (Yahoo! cafeteria) catered lunch surprise. BBQ-like chicken, taters, beans and a cookie. Not nearly as good as URL's chicken fajita bar.

This isn't the most endearing photo but I really like this soup. It's basically tons of veggies in a tomato broth with pot roast ... mmm Wintery.
Red Tea, World Wrapps and Stir Fry
January 3, 2006

I switched to Red Tea, as threatened yesterday

Shameless World Wrapps plug or what I ate for lunch? Well, I'm not getting paid for this so you figure it out.

Beantrees to the rescue with a Chocolate Milk

Appetizer a-la Trader Joe's

Tofu Stir Fry for dinner and a little Peterson field blend for vino

I switched to Red Tea, as threatened yesterday

Shameless World Wrapps plug or what I ate for lunch? Well, I'm not getting paid for this so you figure it out.

Beantrees to the rescue with a Chocolate Milk

Appetizer a-la Trader Joe's

Tofu Stir Fry for dinner and a little Peterson field blend for vino
Day 2: Slightly Healthier than New Year's Day
January 2, 2006

Green Tea is so 2003, I think I'm going to switch to Red Tea tomorrow

Odwalla Bar before I hit the gym

OK, so I'm not going to do a Trader Joe's product review like some people but I did like TJ's take on fish sticks

Crock pot roasted chicken and oven fries, good eats! The only decent way to cook a chicken is in a crock pot, or on a BBQ with a beer can IMO.

Hannah's New Years Dessert, aka toffee crunch cake. Pretty good, pretty, pretty, pretty good (as LD would say).

Green Tea is so 2003, I think I'm going to switch to Red Tea tomorrow

Odwalla Bar before I hit the gym

OK, so I'm not going to do a Trader Joe's product review like some people but I did like TJ's take on fish sticks

Crock pot roasted chicken and oven fries, good eats! The only decent way to cook a chicken is in a crock pot, or on a BBQ with a beer can IMO.

Hannah's New Years Dessert, aka toffee crunch cake. Pretty good, pretty, pretty, pretty good (as LD would say).
No Dieting on New Year's Day: The Waffle House, Salang Pass & more
January 1, 2006

The Waffle House even does pancakes and sausage right, Happy New Year!

Ahh, Taco Bell could there be a finer fast food?

Salang Pass has a signature dish and this is it, a giant portion of Lamb on the bone and some amazing rice with carrots and raisins.

Top that off with a Sundae at Nation's and that about wraps up my day!

The Waffle House even does pancakes and sausage right, Happy New Year!

Ahh, Taco Bell could there be a finer fast food?

Salang Pass has a signature dish and this is it, a giant portion of Lamb on the bone and some amazing rice with carrots and raisins.

Top that off with a Sundae at Nation's and that about wraps up my day!